有一个叫“温相说党史”的youtuber coin了一个词叫“盐碱地”,用来形容中国的政治土壤。这样的形容是非常贴切的。生活在中共统治下的民众很难了解到在政治环境更加宽松的国家里生活应该是什么样子的。反之,出生在言论自由国家的人是很难知晓中共的red line在哪里。但是每一个稍稍了解中国政治的人都可以很清楚的知道red line。简单的总结一下,下列对象是不允许调侃和在网络上讨论的:












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It's a great read. Both my husband and I thought so. He was amazed at your writing. Thanks! Keep up your good work!

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i almost cried a bit when I read about how chinese people are afraid of using their own pictures as profile photos. i get nervous when i write in chinese on any websites that requires vpn services. I’m constantly worried that my gmail account is linked to my chinese phone number since i registered on every social media with it. i don’t think this kind of self-censoring will ever be erased from my brain. thank you for speaking out.

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Kevin, abandon not your writing on the true nature of the CCP and its cravings for global hegemony over all free peoples. You have a clear voice, you have talent, and you have first hand experience. America slumbers before this giant. A persistent, level-headed call, such as you are capable, may yet awaken the dozing and the distracted.

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Hi, Kevin! Have you heard of the newsletter penned by two Chinese-Australians called "China Neican"? I tried to give it a chance, but it's become clear that it's just suspicious AF. The quasi-Chicken Little schmuck named "Adam Ni" (who is obviously not a native speaker of English) fills the newsletter will CCP-apologist material (because, it is assumed, he has exceptional insight into the clockwork of the CCP, for undisclosed reasons) and passive-aggressive disses at the U.S. and exhortations that the U.S. to give up on Taiwan, and really all of its worldly ambitions, because U.S. = Evil, and China = Victim.

As if the world didn't need more reason to be suspicious of the Chinese Diaspora.

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ching chong ching chang

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